Game Changers

A game changer is an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current manner of doing or thinking about something. What have been your game changers in your career?  There’s a great quote that says “if you are not changing you are choosing.”  Let that sink in a bit…….are you choosing to stay the same or are you choosing to continuously change?  In an industry that experiences significant change……how will you keep pace?  As we approach the end of 2019, it seems like a great time to decide what your next game changer will be.  Will it be a personal, one for your team or perhaps a new marketing strategy?  I’ve listed some ideas that have been game changers for me below:

Personal Game Changers

What things could you differently on the personal side to potential change your course?

  • Try time blocking so you ensure that you get all the important things done without interruptions.

  • Try teaming up with others so that you divide and conquer while focusing on your strengths. 

  • Hire a coach to stretch you and push you to new higher heights.

  • Find a mentor to be a sounding board as you navigate new and unfamiliar territory. Or become a mentor.  Many new advisors could use support and guidance.

  • Start a study group with other like-minded advisors to share ideas and hold each other accountable.

Team Game Changers

Building a strong team around you can absolutely be a game changer…..what areas need your attention right now?

  • Hire your first team member or add to your existing team.  Changing your game often requires you to delegate non-revenue producing tasks to capable staff members.

  • Review job responsibilities and determine if any shifting needs to be done.  Ensure that job descriptions are up to date.

  • Establish clear lines of communication with your team.  Often schedules and demands are so full that we forget to check in with each other.  We utilize a daily, weekly and monthly process that serves us well.

  • Have everyone on your team establish goals and write a business plan. Hold each other accountable throughout the year.

Marketing Game Changers

Trying a new marketing method can be a risk but often it can change the trajectory of your business if you get a little creative.

  • Get your team involved in brainstorming new ways to reach new prospects.  They have a pulse on what people are looking for too.

  • Find new and creative ways to connect with CPA’s, attorneys and mortgage bankers.  They are looking for referral partners.

  • Try informing and educating via social media.  Find a way to be consistent and become a go-to source for financial literacy.

  • Try social prospecting.  We do Ladies Night and Men’s Night where we attempt to duplicate our best clients by asking them to invite a friend along for the fun.

  • Establish clear processes so that clients and prospects know exactly what step they are at and have an opportunity to get to know you as you dive into their personal financials and goals and dreams.

  • Consider your clients “pain points” to determine if there’s anything you can do to help.  Often if one client is going through a difficulty, others are as well.  Allow these pain points to drive how you better serve your clients.

  • Select a theme for the year for marketing – for example one year our theme was “getting our clients organized”.  It was amazing year of developing and rolling out tools for our clients to feel more peace of mind.

Give a few of these a try as you approach a new year ahead.  Either you are changing or you are choosing…’s time to choose your path!  I wish you great success!