I don’t want to oversimplify the sales process too much – but if you consistently do two things in this business you will be amazed at the success you will have. Say What You Do and Do What You Say. How simple does that sound? It may seem simple in concept, but in reality it can be very difficult.

Say What You Do – Tell your clients, your prospects, your friends, your family, your peers exactly what you do.  Have you ever had a client or a friend say to you?  “I didn’t know that you did that!”  For some getting the word out is accomplished by developing a client brochure that lists among other things a list of products offered.  For others it is developing a web site.  And others it just simply means repeating your offerings over and over again each and every time you met with a client or having a concise marketing message to use when someone asks you what you do.  As Stan Hustad says in his book You Make The Difference, “Today, the majority of people receive thousands of marketing messages.  They ignore most of them entirely.  Our brains have become very effective at blocking out the thousands of scattered, and in many cases irrelevant, messages that come to us.” A concise message will become essential as you market yourself and your services.  Make sure that your friends and family know what you do.  They can be a great source of referrals to you.  Some feel awkward relentlessly touting their skills – but how else will a client know your expertise if you don’t let it be known?  A client may not act at that moment but there is a better chance that down the road when they do need that service, they will remember to call YOU!  In contrast, you need to be clear with your clients what you do not do.  Develop a network of other agents/advisors that “fill the gaps” in your practice.  Your client will appreciate your referral to an expert in an area they need assistance in and will likely remember it well into the future.

Do What You Say – This sounds easier than it really is.  I know exactly how busy you all feel.  You have had a busy day with several appointments, you are juggling many responsibilities and you rush back into your office and your mind is on the next ten To Do’s.  The little details from today’s meetings can easily slip through the cracks.  Don’t forget to do what you said you would do – even it is not an income producing task.  That extra mile you go will help retain that client forever.  This can be accomplished by taking good notes while meeting with the client or using a mobile dictation service and taking verbal inventory of the meeting while in your car or post appointment.  Regardless, find a method that facilitates this process so nothing gets missed.  If you can delegate the task, do it.  There are many items that don’t require your skill or expertise.  Whatever the method – you must “Do What You Say”.  In his book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” Stephen Covey talks about the Emotional Bank Account.  “Deposits into an Emotional Bank Account through courtesy, kindness, honesty, and keeping commitments build up the reserve.”  This breeds trust.  Trust is essential in any client relationship – your clients need to know that they can trust you.  Trust your advice and that you will answer their questions and follow up as you said you would.  As Jim Rohn says, “My father taught me always to do more than you get paid for as an investment in your future.” 

Applying a few simple concepts can aid in your future success.    Remember to Do What You Say and Say What You Do.  I wish you great success!